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CKC registered Pomeranian puppies for sale. All of them are black. One female and male. They are ready for pickup now. They will come with their shots & worming up to date and their shot and worming records, a CKC registration paper, a Health guarantee, and a puppy starter kit. Good with kids, friendly, fluffy, and playful. They are raised in a clean loving environment with kids. The price for them is $650 each. Cash and Credit/Debit cards are accepted as PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle. We provide financing. Taking a nonrefundable deposit of $200 to hold a puppy. The deposit to reserve a puppy can be accepted via PayPal. Shipping is available at $600 additional to the price of the puppy (that includes airport ticket, transportation to the airport, travel kennel, and a certificate of health from a vet We are located in Clarksville, TN. Please contact us with the name of the puppy you are interested in. Call or text at 931-896-6459